Hardware Settings





There are 4 LED connectors on the board. Depending on your product design,  they may not all have been populated with LEDs. Nonetheless, the signal level on the pins can still be used for diagnosis purpose.


The first LED, namely network link, is a bi-color indicator, which is controlled by hardware PHY chip. It reflects the network link status. 10 M / 100 M / Inactive.


The other 3 LEDs - System,  User 1 and User 2, have been assigned to carry information during the following two stages:


1. Booting. Controlled by Boot Loader:


System LED


It turns on within the very first instructions in the FLASH ROM boot routine. If it is lit immediately after power on, it means that FLASH ROM is Ok.




They are turned on before the boot loader exits. If they work fine, it means SDRAM is Ok.



2. Normal. Controlled by uClinux Applications:


System LED

System Ok

It flashes in a 1-second interval, which is cotrolled by the system service. If it stops flashing, it means either the system service is stopped or the system is crashed



User Defined

On startup, the system service turns them into off state, and leaves the control to user software. Their meanings are freely defined by user programs.



Jumper / Switch



Every board has at least, but not limited to the following 3 jumpers or switches for hardware settings:







Hardware Reset

Manual hardware reset


It generates a hardware reset to make all hardware return to their initial states.


Software Reset /

Restore Default

This jumper is normally connected to an external button which acts dual functions.

*          Software Reset

Press this button between 2 to 6 seconds and  release it, will generate a hardware reset as if the jumper #1 has been set.

*         Restore factory default settings and reboot

Press this button for more than 7 seconds, the system service will copy the default configuration file /flash/config/app-default.ini to overwrite /flash/config/app.ini. And, the device will be rebooted to make these settings effective.


Debug Mode

The debug mode is designed for software debugging during software development or production supervision. When the debug mode is enabled:


The console is fixed at 115200 bps, n, 8, and 1 and is used as the control console of climax with a command shell attached. It shows all the messages from boot loader, uClinux kernel and user applications.


In addtion, normal startup script in /flash/config/autorun.ini is bypassed. Therefore user programs are not executed.

This feature is designed to help users to recover from problematic programs which start automatically.



Debug Mode ¡V Bootloader Monitor


When debug mode is set to enabled, right after power-on or hardware reset, bootloader shows the following message. After pressing ESC key, you can enter the bootloader monitor:


Metavert Bootloader Nov 24 2009 17:41:46


CFI Flash ROM found, total 8192 KB

Region #1   64 KB,    8 KB/sector

Region #2 8128 KB,   64 KB/sector

Serial Number: 3D820240

Press ESC to enter debug mode .


  XF       Xmodem flash programming

  LS       List images in flash

  CLEAR    Clear MTD user disk

  IP       Set IP address

  Q        Quit

> IP = (assigned by DHCP server)



The bootloader is quite simple, as there are only 5 commands:


XF         - program flash with XMODEM protocol

LS         - list images in flash

CLEAR ¡V erase user JFFS2 disk

IP          - set IP address (for TFTP transfer)

Q          - resume normal linux boot procedure.


The detailed operations will be described in the later sections.