ARM Tools



Hardware Requirements


A Linux host is required (RedHat 7, 9 and ubuntu have been tested):


¨          500+ MHz CPU

¨          256+ MB RAM

¨          3+ GB HDD



Contents in the CD



this file

installation script for ARM tools


cross compiler, linker and other tools for ARM


uClinux source distribution from Winbond

(tons of source code)



Prepare for Installation


Under linux, the user¡¦s directory is located under /home. For example, if your account is ¡¥john¡¦, then your home directory will be at "/home/john". Using command "cd" without argument can make you back to your home directory "/home/john".


Modern Linux mounts CD-ROM drive automatically to "/mnt/cdrom" directory when you put the CD into it. If it doesn't, you need to mount it manually.


[john@linux john]$ mount /mnt/cdrom


In this section, we assume users are installing software from CD-ROM. However, it can be installed from other sources equally. For example, if you are installing from /tmp, just replace the cdrom directory in the "cd" command with /tmp.


cd /mnt/cdrom

cd /tmp

cd /mnt/cdrom/Tools

cd /tmp


Other procedures remain unchanged.


Install ARM Tools


1.         The installation needs some privileges which normal users do not have, so you need to become the super user (root) by using command ¡¥su¡¦.

2.         Enter the password of root to act as the super user temporarily.

3.         Use '' script to install the tools.

4.         Leave the super user mode and return back to normal user mode.

5.         Logout and login again to let the changes work.


[john@linux john]$ su


[root@linux john]# cd /mnt/cdrom

[root@linux cdrom]# sh



[root@linux cdrom]# exit


[john@linux john]$ exit


The tools have been installed to "/usr/local/arm_tools". The script "" also adds the path "/usr/local/arm_tools/bin" to "/etc/profile" which will set the path everytime you login. You need to logout and login again to make it work.


Verify ARM Tools Installation


Use ¡Vversion flag of the C compiler to verify your installation. The version of ARM compiler we currently used is 3.0


[john@linux john]$ arm-elf-gcc --version


[john@linux john]$